
繼續翻譯異位性皮膚炎之二, 有興趣的朋友可以在下面的連結看到異位性皮膚炎之一的資訊:


以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon (以下會貼上原始連結以及原文)

許多貓咪的皮膚疾病都會癢, 所以會跟異位性皮膚炎很像. 要把其他可能會造成搔癢的皮膚疾病排除是對診斷異位性皮膚炎的一個很重要的指標.


食物過敏: 食物過敏通常在貓咪身上會造成皮膚搔癢的情況. 就是異位性皮膚炎一樣, 貓咪食物過敏了通常就會咬他們腳, 磨蹭他們的臉, 也會抓他們的耳朵. 因此, 食物過敏的症狀很難實質上的跟異位性皮膚炎來做區別.

有一個特別的點是在於"異位性皮膚炎"通常出現在一歲齡到四歲齡之間. 而食物過敏則會出現在任何的年齡層的貓咪. 如果貓咪有那些搔癢症,

而是出現在八個月齡之前或是六歲齡之後的, 就比較不可能是異位性皮膚炎. 而且異位性皮膚炎通常很好藉由類固醇來做控制,

而食物過敏則不一定使用類固醇治療就有效果. 通常只有50%食物過敏的貓咪會對類固醇有效果反應.

跳蚤過敏症: 這是美國最常見的皮膚過敏現象. 就像食物過敏一樣, 他不一定會對類固醇治療有很好的效果.

有跳蚤過敏症的貓咪會傾向抓他們或咬他們的"後部"的身體部位, 所以病灶通常會出現在他們的臀部, 或在於肚子跟後腳之間的位置.

有些貓咪的脖子也會出現皮膚的問題. 藉由這幾點, 就可以跟異位性皮膚炎做分別囉!! 然而, 有些貓也是會同時出現異位性皮膚炎跟跳蚤過敏症的.

疥癬症: 這個疾病顧名思義就是由疥癬造成的搔癢症. 有疥癬症的貓咪通常會極度的癢,

而且通常皮膚的問題會出現在他們的耳朵, 手肘, 還有腳踝的部分. 這個疾病通常使用類固醇是沒什麼效果的.

膿皮症: 這個疾病是由細菌感染皮膚造成的. 而且常常跟異位性皮膚炎以及其他的搔癢症的皮膚問題有關係.

慢性的自我抓傷皮膚會讓正常的皮膚的防衛機制失去功能而讓細菌開始進行感染. 感染的皮膚部位會非常的癢,

有些有異位性皮膚炎的動物通常只是一點點癢而已, 但是他們只要同時感染了膿皮症, 就會開始變得更加嚴重.

順道一提的是, 皮膚的酵母菌感染是比較少見在異位性皮膚炎的貓咪身上, 不過一樣會造成他們搔癢的情況喔!!


Many skin diseases of cats feature pruritus (itching) as a symptom and may appear similar to atopy. Ruling out other causes of pruritus is an important part of establishing a diagnosis.

Diseases that can appear similar to atopy include:

  • Food allergy. Food allergies in cats commonly causes a pruritic skin condition. Like with atopy, cats with food allergy often chew their feet, rub their faces and scratch their ears. Thus, the symptoms of food allergy are virtually indistinguishable from those of atopy. One important historical difference to remember is that atopy symptoms usually begin between one and four years of age, whereas food allergy can begin at any age. A cat that has an onset of signs, and is less than eight months of age or over six years of age, is unlikely to have atopy. Also, atopy is usually well controlled by treatment with corticosteroids (hormones) like prednisone. Food allergy is variably responsive to prednisone; only about 50 percent of affected cats will respond.

  • Flea allergy dermatitis. This is the most common allergic skin disease seen in the United States. Like food allergy, it is variably responsive to corticosteroids. Cats with flea allergy tend to chew and scratch at their back ends, so lesions are typically seen over the rump, on the belly and between the hind legs. Some cats may also have lesions around the neck. This difference helps to differentiate this disease from atopy. It is possible, however, to see atopy and flea allergy in the same animal.

  • Scabies. This itchy skin disease of cats is caused by the sarcoptic mange mite. Affected cats are extremely itchy and often have lesions on their ears, elbows and hocks. Lesions may also be seen elsewhere on the cat. This disease is poorly responsive to treatment with corticosteroids.

  • Pyoderma. This bacterial infection of the skin is often associated with atopy and other pruritic skin diseases. Chronic self-trauma to the skin breaks down normal defense mechanisms and allows colonization by bacteria leading to infection. Infected skin can be very itchy. Some animals with atopy are only mildly itchy most of the time but may be much worse when they have pyoderma. Less commonly, yeast infections of the skin may be seen secondary to atopy and can also cause the animal to be itchy.



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