

有興趣的朋友可以在下面的連結看到貓之異位性皮膚炎之一, 之二, 之三, 之四的資訊:






以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon (以下會貼上原始連結以及原文)


因此, 居家照護觀察以及跟你的獸醫做好良好的溝通是對於控制異位性皮膚炎是很重要的.

異位性皮膚炎治療通常都是會有效果的. 最後再來談幾個病情追蹤的注意事項:

1. 每種獸醫所開的藥都要按時服用. 很常見的是, 主人沒有耐心等到藥物有效發揮作用,

就自行停藥. (按編: 皮膚病就是這樣, 請不要想像有神效有不傷身的皮膚病藥)或是有些主人會看到貓咪的病情好點了,

就自行停藥. 通常這些藥都要準時服用, 除非你的獸醫跟你說某些藥物可以不用繼續服用了.

2. 記得要耐心的等待免疫治療的療程. 免疫治療通常都需要9-12個月,

如果之後還是沒效, 才能認定免疫治療對於這貓咪是沒有效果的!!

3. 接受免疫治療的貓咪可能會在打完針之後開始有改善, 但在下一次打針之前又開始抓抓抓.

這時就可以減短每次打針的間距來獲得改善. 在每次更改間距之前一定要先詢問過你的獸醫.

因此, 施打的計劃表可能會看起來很複雜. 請詳細的紀錄每次施打的劑量以及間距.

4. 觀察你的貓咪是不是有紅疹, 丘疹, 耳朵感染, 或是其他的因為抓癢造成的皮膚問題.

在等待治療異位性皮膚炎有效之前, 這些問題可能就會先發生了. 因此也需要一併治療才行.

5. 避免過敏原幾乎是不可能的, 因為實在有太多不同種的過敏原了,


6. 只有季節性異位性皮膚炎的貓咪可能就不用整年都治療.

所以要好好觀察你的貓貓看那些特定的時刻才會發病, 沒發病的月份就不用吃藥啦!!




Atopy varies considerably in intensity depending on the individual animal and its environment. Therefore, home monitoring and close communication with your veterinarian are vital for success. Treatment is most likely to be effective if individualized to the patient. Follow-up for atopy may include the following:

  • Administer as directed all medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Treatment often fails because medications are stopped as soon as improvement is seen or before sufficient time has been allowed for improvement to occur. Administer medications for the full time period prescribed unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian.

  • Remember to have patience with immunotherapy. Immunotherapy should be tried for 9 to 12 months before concluding that it has been a failure.

  • Observe cats on immunotherapy for signs of increased itchiness (i.e., pruritus), hives or swelling after injections. Although uncommon, cats may react to the allergen extract. Alterations in the injection schedule may be helpful to alleviate these problems. Severe reactions (i.e., anaphylaxis) may be life-threatening, but fortunately are extremely rare.

  • Cats receiving immunotherapy may improve after one injection but begin to scratch before the next injection is due. Shortening the interval between injections may help. Always consult your veterinarian before making changes in the injection interval. Schedules may become complicated. Keep a log of how much extract was given and record the date of the injections.

  • Observe your cat for rashes, pustules, infected ears or any other skin lesions that may occur secondary to scratching. Flare-ups of these problems may occur while waiting for generalized improvement and will need to be treated appropriately.

  • Avoidance of allergens usually is impractical due either to the ubiquity of the allergen (e.g., house dust mites) or the large number of offending allergens. However, in-home air filters may be helpful.

  • Cats with seasonal atopy may not require medications during certain parts of the year. Close observation and good record-keeping may identify times when medications are not needed.


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