
這篇應該對各位愛貓人士蠻有幫助的, 你是不是常常覺得你家的貓愛亂抓你的沙發, 還是電腦椅呢?


看看這篇吧! 絕對對於你的愛貓行為有進一步的了解唷!!


(以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon, 因為是email, 所以沒有連結, 原文會出現在最後面)

貓天生就愛抓抓. 他們長爪子是可以伸展的, 所以超級適合讓他們抓住, 撕開以及勾住東西.

所以不管你的貓咪有多麼可愛, 他們就是愛抓抓.



第一個且最明顯的原因就是"防禦". 貓爪是一個很棒的武器可以用來嚇退其他的捕食者或是其他的貓.

如果有一隻貓被嚇到了或是受到威脅, 他們第一個就是先伸出爪子.

當我們跑去嚇貓的時候, 就是可以看到他們的爪子伸出來. 因為貓爪是他們最棒的防禦武器.

有時候貓會用抓抓警告你, 當你吵到他們的時候.

抓抓也是一種運動喔. 把東西勾住在往後拉貓愛的抓抓的一個方式. 很多貓也會在玩的時候抓抓.

因為這是一個消耗熱量的方式. 小貓們特別愛把他們的爪子伸出來, 當他們在玩玩具的時候 (或是玩你的手...)


貓咪們也會靠抓抓來讓他們的指甲保持健康. 經常的抓抓可以讓指甲保持乾淨, 也可以把外層的指甲去掉.

抓抓也是可以讓貓的爪子更棒更利(按編:...). 而且可以讓他們繼續生長, 也不會長過頭.

有時候貓咪抓抓是在表示這是他的地盤. 如果你發現你的愛貓總是在特定的地方抓抓,

他可能只是想跟你還有其他人說, "這是我的地盤!!!!"


現在我們知道貓咪為什麼愛抓抓了, 我們就可以試著來制止這些行為. 有些人會把貓去爪,

但是我不建議這樣子做!! 一隻貓的貓爪是他主要防禦的武器, 所以萬一他不小心跑到外面了,

他的活下來的機會可能就會大大的被降低了!! 這邊還有其他辦法可以防止你的愛貓抓抓而不用去爪!!

你可以給你的愛貓一個玩具讓他們轉移注意力, 讓他們不要總是去玩你的沙發, 還是你的手...

讓他們忙於追一個毛茸茸的玩具老鼠的時候, 他們就沒時間去玩你的窗簾啦.

你也可以買貓抓板給他們玩. 貓抓板是可以讓他們的爪子保持健康, 還可以讓他們消耗多餘的熱量,


雖然我個人比較建議正面的阻止他們亂抓抓, 不過你也是試試看負面的方式.

你可以噴一些貓咪不愛的味道在他們愛抓抓的地方, 或是用鋁箔紙或是雙層膠帶黏在他們愛抓的地方.

你也可以在你的貓亂抓的時候, 用水噴他們. 但你就要拿著噴水槍站在旁邊等你的貓亂抓,


(接下來就是Dr. Jon的廣告啦~沒興趣的可以不用看, 有興趣的再繼續看吧, 那是介紹費洛蒙的東西.)

Comfort Zone with Feliway. 這是把貓臉上的費洛蒙噴到空氣中,

它的效果是可以讓貓覺得比較冷靜, 舒適.

Comfort Zone with Feliway不只可以讓你的貓比較少亂抓抓, 也會讓你的貓覺得家更加像個家...

貓抓抓是天生的行為, 但是不代表他是要把你家毀了!! 我希望這些方法可以有效減少你的愛貓亂抓抓唷!!




希望對大家有所幫助唷!! 下次再見!!



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Cats are natural scratchers. Their long retractable claws are perfect for gripping, ripping, and snagging. No matter how sweet or cuddly your kitty is, he is still likely to scratch. If your cat is causing too much destruction though, you can find ways to reduce the scratching. But before we talk about that, let's talk about why cats scratch.

The first and most obvious reason is defense. Cat claws are a great deterrent for predators or hostile cats. If a cat is startled or feels threatened, out come the claws! As anyone who has spooked a cat can attest, those claws are great defensive weapons. It is also a way for the cat to signal you to "back off". Sometimes cats will warn you with a scratch when you are bothering them.

Scratching is also a form of exercise. Hooking onto something and pulling backward is a great way for cats to stretch. Many cats also scratch while playing, since it's a great way to burn off some energy. Kittens especially might keep their claws out when playfully swatting at a toy (or your hands!) because playtime is also a way for them to learn to hunt.

Cats also scratch to keep their nails healthy. Regular scratching is a good way for cats to clean their claws and remove worn outer layers. Scratching is an important way for cats to keep their claws nice and sharp, and prevent them from becoming worn or overgrown.

Sometimes cats also scratch to claim their territory. If you notice that your cat is scratching in a specific area all the time, he may simply be reminding you and everyone else that this area belongs to him. 
Now that we understand why cats scratch, we can try to deter the behavior! Some people get their cats declawed, but I do not recommend this. A cat's claws are his primary method of defense, and if he ever escapes or gets lost outside his chances of survival will be drastically reduced. There are other ways to prevent scratching that do not require declawing your cat.

You can offer your cat a toy to divert his attention from your sofa or hands. When he's happily chasing after a fuzzy mouse toy a cat has no time or desire to rip up your curtains.

A scratching post is essential for any cat. Scratching posts are a way for cats to keep their claws maintained, stretch, and release energy while satisfying their need to scratch. Scratching posts offer your cat an enjoyable spot to scratch without destroying anything in the house.

Although I personally prefer positive reinforcement, you can also use negative reinforcement to deter a cat's scratching behavior. You can spray a repellent or use a deterrent such as foil or double-sided tape to cover up the spot your cat likes to scratch. You can also squirt your cat with water every time the claws come out, but this requires you to stand guard with a spray bottle, and can end up simply annoying your cat.

There is another method that reduces scratching by 95% - Comfort Zone with Feliway.

Comfort Zone works by releasing feline facial pheromones into the air, which have a calming effect on cats. Not only does Comfort Zone reduce scratching, it also makes your cat feel more at home with his environment. To find out more about why Comfort Zone works, you can visit their "How It Works" page.

Cat scratching is a natural behavior, but that doesn't mean you should let it destroy your home! I hope these methods help you reduce your cat's scratching.

Until next time,

Dr. Jon


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