再來翻譯一個對貓咪很重要的問題, 就是飲水的問題.
很多貓咪都會因為喝不夠水有泌尿道的問題, 尤其是公貓以及老貓.
不多說, 來看Dr. Jon怎麼講吧!!
(以下翻譯自Dr. Jon的文章, 因為是email所以沒有連結, 原文會在文章最後出線)
貓咪是被認為是很聰明的動物, 而且這包括了他們會自己找乾淨的水來喝.
大部分的水碗很容易就佈滿灰塵, 臭味, 以及細菌, 這些會讓貓咪根本就不想喝水.
因為這個問題, 許多的貓咪會喝不到應該要喝的水. 當他們很口渴的時候,
有些貓就會跑去喝水龍頭的水或是...馬桶的水...身為一個愛貓的主人, 你絕對可以讓你的愛貓一直都有乾淨新鮮的水源.
當水喝起來聞起來很棒的時候, 你的寵物會喝足夠的水了. 而且流動的水對於貓咪就是一種天生的吸引物.
(編按: 不是全部的貓都喜歡流動的水喔!!) 所以要給你的愛貓友乾淨且新鮮的水源就是使用一個貓用的飲水機.
(以下是Dr. Jon的廣告, 不過我自己也有買兩台Drinkwell, 我家的貓剛好還蠻愛流動的水的...有一隻還會去洗頭...)
(有興趣的人可以跟我聯絡, 我本身住在美國, 可以幫忙代買. 絕對比Y拍便宜!!)
Drinkwell 360 飲水機是一台很棒的飲水機, 他可以讓你的愛貓一直都有沒有怪味的水可以喝.
有一個活性碳的濾網可在中間可以過濾水源, 而且他的水是360度流出來的, 經過這飲水機的水可以沒有細菌也沒有怪味,
當然就對你的愛貓的胃有很多益處啦!! 而且經過飲水機流動的關係, 也會讓水添加了更多氧氣,
讓這些水喝起來更美味也更吸引貓咪來喝. Drinkwell 360是夠大給很多貓用的, 它也可以調整水流喔!!
(按編: 我都調最小, 不然貓咪會玩水玩一整晚上, 然後就不用睡了...)
另一個不錯的是Pet Raindrop Fountain (直翻就是寵物雨滴飲水器...XD). 我超愛這個飲水機的.
因為它是不鏽鋼的, 所以它不容易長細菌, 而且他非常耐用, 還可以丟到洗碗機裡面洗, (因為這個非常好拆洗, 所以可以丟到洗碗機裡面.)
這個飲水機還有得獎, 而且很酷的是, 它給你的貓咪有三種不同的方式喝水. 這飲水機也非常安靜, 非常容易清洗.
所以不要再讓你的貓咪去喝馬桶水啦!! 給他們擁有自己的飲水機吧!
讓他們一天24小時都有乾淨的水喝, 這絕對是一個對你的愛貓最健康的方法之一唷!!
(有興趣的可以來我的部落格看圖片, 想要我代買的也可以跟我聯絡, 我本身住在美國.)
我的獸醫日誌(內有更多獸醫相關文章喔!!): http://littlevet.pixnet.net/blog/category/list/372027
最後小提醒, 要記得把水源跟食物還有貓砂盆分開, 有多分開就多分開~
據研究, 是因為他們在野外捕殺獵物的時候, 獵物的血會汙染旁邊的水源~
如果喜歡我的文章, 也可以按此使用paypal捐款5元美金. 你的捐贈, 將對我有很大的幫助.
Cats are known for their cleverness, and that includes their ability to find fresh, clean water.
water bowls quickly harbor dust, bad smells and bacteria that make them
unattractive to pets. Because of that, most pets simply don't drink
enough water. When they are thirsty, some cats can get very creative,
including turning on faucets and even drinking out of toilets (yuck!).
You can prevent these behaviors by providing your cat with a constant
source of clean, fresh water.
Your pet is more likely to drink adequate water when it tastes and
smells good, and running water is naturally enticing to cats. The best
way to give your cat fresh, clean running water every day is to use a
pet fountain. Here are 2 that I really like.
The Drinkwell 360
fountain is a great way to ensure that your cat always has access
to water without foul smells or tastes. A charcoal filter purifies water
in the center of the fountain, and the purified water then streams in a
full 360 degrees to entice your pet. This cleaned water is free of bad
tastes and smells as well as bacteria that could upset your cat's
stomach. The fountain also oxygenates the water, making it fresh and
appealing. The Drinkwell 360 is large enough for multiple pets, and it
allows you to customize the flow. To learn more, click on the image
Another great fountain is the stainless steel Pioneer Pet Raindrop Fountain
. I love this fountain for so many reasons. First, stainless steel
has no "pores" where bacteria can grow. It's also very durable and
dishwasher safe. (This fountain comes apart easily and you can throw the
pieces right in the dishwasher.) The award-winning raindrop design of
this fountain is also very cool. It's sleek, compact, attractive - and
it gives your cat 3 different ways to drink. The pump is very quiet. And
this fountain is very easy to clean. Check it out.
Don't continue chasing your cats away
from the toilet bowl or sink. Give them their very own fountain and
provide them with clean, delicious 24/7. It's one of the healthiest
things you can do for your cat.
Until next time,
Dr. Jon