


但在暑假或是寒假回家的時候, 帶著自己的寵物回到家裡,

而且, 每當要返校念書的時候, 就會有沒辦法把寵物帶回去原來租屋居住的情況.

為什麼呢?? 因為回去的這幾天, 自己的父母跟寵物有了感情了,

他們愛上了你的寵物, 捨不得讓你帶走了, (這就是嘴巴說不要, 心裡卻是很誠實的情況吧)


這其實應該也是有好處的, 至少對他們的高血壓有好處,


不管怎樣, 可以來看看這篇報導, 是有關於養寵物有益於高血壓的人唷!!



(以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon, 原文連結會在最後面)

如果你正在對抗你的高血壓, 拒絕好吃的起士漢堡, 每天進行快走, 還減掉一些體重的話, 將是你應該要做的.

但是, 社會心理學家Karen Allen說養隻寵物也會有幫助喔!!

在水牛城的紐約州大學的研究員Allen說, 最近的研究指出, 那些有高血壓的股票經紀人養了貓還是狗之後,


Allen與他的同事指出, 這些研究中的48位男性跟女性都是每年20萬美金的高薪收入戶.

但他們都是處在高壓力的環境下超過五年, 而且都有在服用降血壓的藥物.

在實驗開始之前, 研究員請這些參與研究的人很快地由17數到1, 或者試著用他們的方式去辯論"偷竊的指控"這件事.

在這些活動中, 他們發現這些人的血壓會比一般人都還要來的高.


在研究的一開始, 這些人開始吃一些抗高血壓的藥物.

一半的人被隨機選出去選擇養狗, 養貓, 還是養馬; 就看他們喜歡哪種.

6個月之後, Allen跟他的同事去這些參加試驗的人家裡去量血壓.


(編按: 也就是說, 這些人沒有養寵物的人, 即使吃了抗血壓的藥物, 在壓力大的情況之下, 仍然會產生高血壓的問題.)

藉由這些發現, 研究員們做出了一個結論, 除了藥物對於高血壓有幫助外,

養寵物也可以讓這些高血壓的患者有更好控制血壓的效果. 尤其是在這些壓力大的情況出現的時候.

因此, 許多的參與試驗的人就開始決定要養寵物了.

Allen說, 當我們告訴這些沒有養寵物的人這個結果的時候, 那些人就馬上跑出去, 並且開始養動物.

這個研究指出, 如果你有高血壓, 養寵物是一個對你很好控制血壓的方式. 而且跟寵物的關係將會對你的身體有很好的影響.

Allen不確定到底生理上是怎麼運行的, 為什麼養寵物會對高血壓控制有幫助.

Allen他說, "這其中有很多理論, 但我們實在不知道為什麼養寵物會有效於降低高血壓.

我們猜測是因為有人在你旁邊陪伴, 有人可以讓你依靠, 永遠都不會對你有任何意見.





有開始想要養寵物了嗎? 養他們之前可以先了解一些小細節喔!!

飼主最常問的問題, 我的寵物什麼不能吃呢?
飼主最常問的問題, 我的狗狗多久洗一次澡好?



希望對大家有所幫助唷!! 下次再見!!


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If you're battling high blood pressure, cutting out the cheeseburgers, taking brisk walks, and shedding extra pounds are all steps you should take. But, says social psychologist Karen Allen, Ph.D., getting a pet can also help.

In a recent study, Allen, a researcher at the State University of New York at Buffalo, found that stockbrokers with hypertension who adopted a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did their non-pet-owning counterparts.
Allen and her colleagues conducted a study of 48 male and female stockbrokers who were being treated with medication to control high blood pressure. All earned more than $200,000 a year, had lived alone for at least the last 5 years and had highly stressful jobs.

Before the study began, researchers asked the participants to quickly count backward by 17 or try arguing their way out of a shoplifting charge. During these exercises, blood pressure levels reached an average peak way above normal – even above what doctors generally consider "high" blood pressure.

Drug Prescribed at Start of Study

At the start of the study, the brokers were prescribed the anti-hypertension drug, lisinopril. Half of the participants were randomly selected to also get a dog or cat as a house pet. Six months later, Allen and her colleagues conducted tests in the participants' homes to measure changes in blood pressure. They found that stress-induced blood pressure continued to rise in the brokers without pets.

The brokers who owned pets also had stress-related rises in blood pressure, but these rises were only half as high as those seen in the petless group. The pet-owning brokers had average systolic pressures (the first number in a blood pressure reading) that fell within the normal healthy range. Stress-related peaks in diastolic pressure (the second number in a reading) were also reduced.

Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that while the drug lisinopril helped lower resting blood pressures, pet ownership is better at helping to control stress-induced peaks in blood pressure.

Following the study, many of the participants who did not have pets decided to acquire them, Allen said. "When we told the group that didn't have pets about the findings, many went out and got them," she said. "This study shows that if you have high blood pressure, a pet is very good for you when you're under stress, and pet ownership is especially good for you if you have a limited support system."

Allen is not certain exactly what happens physiologically. "There are lots of theories, but we honestly don't know why pets lower blood pressure," she said. "We suspect that having someone on your side - someone you can always count on that is non-judgmental - psychologically creates a beneficial atmosphere."


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