看看那些照片, 看看那些活潑的影片,
雖然他們老了, 可是看他們躺在旁邊陪你的時候是不是感到非常窩心呢?
也提醒各位"貓人"們(Cat person) 可以多多關心家裡的老貓們唷!!
(以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon, 原文會在最後面)
先來看看這個影片吧!! 這是號稱"36"歲的貓喔!! 超級貓瑞!! (1970年生的, 如果還活著就41歲了...)
以一個貓咪的女主人之前來找過我, 還帶著他的漂亮的橘貓一起來.
貓咪的名叫做Angel. 他是一隻有貓愛滋的貓咪, 但是光看他的外觀,
根本就不會覺得他有生病. 他看起來是多麼的可愛跟有活力.
這位主人擔心說, Angel已經要11歲了. 他很擔心貓愛滋跟貓咪變老會讓他們的生活品質變得不好.
當我們人到達一個年紀的時候, 我們就會開始面臨一些健康上的問題. 這對貓咪們來說也是一樣的.
尤其是Angel已經到達了11歲了. 這表示有更多的機會感染病毒. 你的獸醫可以比你更早發現這些問題.
然後給你的貓咪適當的治療. 我建議你可以每年都去做身體檢查, 尤其是你發些有些不對勁就可以帶去檢查了.
當貓咪變老的時候, 他們也會開始行動緩慢, 或是變得比較懶散不想動.
雖然Angel還是很活耀的樣子, 但是我還是建議她可以有足夠的運動量. 很多貓咪的健康問題都是因為過度肥胖,
所以讓你的貓咪很活潑, 有運動量是非常重要的. 即使你只有讓每天都短時間的運動到就可以了.
(按編: 應該就像人的333運動吧!!)
如果你的貓咪只跟你玩, 你還是需要幫他們修剪指甲. 常常幫他們檢查指甲, 長度到就幫他們修剪是很重要的!
如果你家的老貓們已經有健康的問題, 就像Angel一樣, 請先了解這個疾病會有什麼症狀, 準備好應對措施,
這樣可以讓你早日發現他們開始變得不一樣的時刻. 事先教育自己有關於你的貓咪的問題, 這樣你才可以發現,
及早帶他們治療. 即使你的貓咪超級健康, 還是要注意是不是有什麼習性改變了, 體溫升高或降低, 還是行為怪怪的.
許多貓咪在老年的時候都有一些飲食上的問題. 要讓他們避免這些以及過度肥胖,
就要避免過度餵食你的貓咪, 也要盡量少量多餐的餵食, 這樣絕對會比一次餵很多還要來的好喔!!
(接著就是Dr. Jon的廣告啦, 主要是說老貓就要吃老貓飼料喔!! 我就不翻譯啦)
最後, 有一個重要的事就是讓你的貓咪有足夠的"愛與關懷". 跟他們玩, 愛他們會是讓他們的生活更棒的唯一方法喔!!
飼主最常問的問題, 我的寵物什麼不能吃呢?
上面這篇文章是我之前翻譯的, 我相信對很多主人也會有幫助唷!!
讓你的愛貓變得愛喝水!! (翻譯文)
貓咪也會得腫瘤的喔!! (翻譯文)
如果喜歡我的文章, 也可以按此使用paypal捐款5元美金. 你的捐贈, 將對我有很大的幫助.
A woman visited me a while ago with a beautiful orange cat named Angel. Angel was Feline Immunodeficiency Virus positive but you couldn't tell from just looking at him. He was very sweet and full of life.
Still, his owner was concerned: Angel had just turned 11 years old and she knew it was just a matter of time before the FIV and age took their toll. She asked me for some advice on making her cat's final years good and comfortable.
I'd like to share with you all what I told her.
When we reach a certain age, we become more susceptible to certain health problems. This is true for cats as well as humans, and especially true in Angel's case due to his condition. This means that more frequent visits are a must. Your vet can spot budding health issues before you can, and give your cat the proper treatment. I recommend two vet visits per year, or even more if you know your cat is predisposed to certain illnesses.
As cats age, they also tend to slow down and become less active. Angel was still his old playful self but I still advised his owner to make sure he's getting enough exercise. Many cat health issues are associated with obesity, so it's important to keep your cat active, even if it's in short bursts throughout the day instead of one long play session.
Sometimes a good scratching post is all a cat needs to entertain himself. If your cat only plays with you, though, you also need to keep his nails in good condition. Inspect your cat's nails on a regular basis and trim them when they become too long.
If your older cat already has health problems like in Angel's case, knowing the symptoms and watching out for them can be crucial. Educate yourself on your cat's condition so that you can notice when something might be wrong. Even if your cat is perfectly healthy, be sensitive to changes in routine, temperament, and behavior in your cat. These kinds of changes can be signs that your cat is falling ill or not feeling well.
Many cats experience digestive problems as they age. To prevent digestive problems and obesity, avoid overfeeding your cat. It might even be better to feed your cat several small meals a day instead of one large serving.
The kind of food you give your cat also makes a big difference. Older cats need to be fed a diet that's formulated especially for them. That's why I recommend Hill's® Science Diet® Senior 11+ Age Defying™ cat food - it contains just the right blend of nutrients and minerals for your cat's health. In fact, if your cat is showing signs of aging, Hill's Senior 11+ Age Defying™ cat food is designed to fight signs of aging within only 30 days.
Lastly, one of the most important things you can do for your cat as he ages is give him love and attention! Playing with and loving your cat are the keys to a more fulfilling life for your older cat.
It's been 2 years and Angel is still doing fine, thanks to the loving care of his owner. Let's all take care of the Angels in our lives.