有興趣的朋友可以在下面的連結看到貓之異位性皮膚炎之一與貓之異位性皮膚炎 之二的資訊:
之一: http://littlevet.pixnet.net/blog/post/27452484
之二: http://littlevet.pixnet.net/blog/post/27454702
以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon (以下會貼上原始連結以及原文)
診斷檢查是必須要做的, 這可以用來排除其他的有可能的皮膚問題, 進而支持異位性皮膚炎的診斷.
你的獸醫將會問你的貓咪相關的醫療病史. 重要的病史包括了貓咪什麼年紀發病的,
不管是現在或是之前曾經有季節性的皮膚問題. 也要提供貓咪是不是有咬或是抓身體的那些部位.
你的獸醫將會做出完整的理學以及皮膚的檢查. 包含了腳步, 足墊, 以及指甲的詳細檢查. 尤其耳朵的部分會特別詳細.
刮皮測試也有可能會使用來排出疥癬蟲感染症. 疥癬蟲非常難找到, 甚至是重複刮取皮膚也是一樣.
你的獸醫有可能會建議先試試看治療疥癬蟲看看 (按編: 這通常將會持續一個月), 進而來排除疥癬蟲感染,
黴菌培養也會用來排除黴菌感染症. 黴菌感染症通常也會跟一些皮膚病很相似, 所以黴菌培養通常是診斷的一部分.
飲食測試也有可能會被建議來排除食物過敏症. 藉由飲食測試, 動物會被餵食以前從來沒吃過的東西,
可能會維持6到12週, 如果症狀沒有改善, 食物過敏症就可以被排除.
一旦上述的疾病被排除了, 異位性皮膚炎就很有可能了. 接著就可以使用過敏測試來了解貓咪是對於哪種過敏原過敏.
皮內過敏原測試可以用來看哪種過敏原會讓貓咪過敏. 在做這個測試的時候, 貓咪胸腔一邊的毛將會被剃下,
而少量且不一樣的過敏原則會被注射到貓咪的皮內去做測試. 在做這個檢查時, 貓咪可能會被輕度的稍為鎮靜.
這檢查通常會請獸醫的皮膚科專科醫師去操作. 貓咪必須先停之前所有用藥來進行測試, 才能有較準確的結果.
貓咪對於過敏原的反應很細微, 所以很難解釋得清楚.
Veterinary care includes diagnostic tests and subsequent treatment recommendations. Diagnostic tests are necessary to rule out other skin diseases as well as support the diagnosis of atopy.
Your veterinarian will take a complete medical history about your cat. Important aspects of the medical history include the age of onset, whether the problem is (or was at one time) seasonal and which areas of the body your cat chews and scratches. Bring a record of medications your cat has received previously and be prepared to answer questions about how effective they have been.
Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical and dermatological examination of your cat. Included in the examination of the skin will be a careful examination of the feet, food pads and nails. Special attention will be paid to the ears.
A skin scraping will be performed to eliminate scabies. The sarcoptic mange mites are notoriously difficult to find, even with repeated skin scrapings. Your veterinarian may recommend a trial treatment for scabies to rule out this diagnostic possibility, especially if the ears are severely affected from scratching.
A fungal culture often is performed to rule out dermatophytosis (ringworm). Dermatophyte infections of the skin can mimic many other skin diseases, and a fungal culture frequently is part of the diagnostic process.
A food trial may be recommended to rule out food allergy. During a food trial, the animal is fed a food containing ingredients that it has never been exposed to before as its only source of food for 6 to 12 weeks. If the symptoms don't improve, food allergy is excluded as a diagnostic possibility.
Once the previously described diseases have been ruled out, a
presumptive diagnosis of atopy is made. Allergy testing is then
performed to identify allergens to which the animal is sensitive.
Intradermal allergy testing (skin testing) is done to determine which
allergens cause a skin reaction. The hair is clipped from one side of
the chest and small amounts of many different allergens are injected
into the skin. Light sedation may be necessary to allow proper restraint
during the procedure.
This test usually requires referral to a
veterinary dermatologist. Animals must be off all medications before
testing so that the skin can react properly to the antigenic challenge
of the allergen injections. Reactions to allergens in cat skin are
subtle and therefore more difficult to interpret.
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