前言: 由於最近很多文章在講貓可能會讓懷孕婦女得到弓漿蟲而流產的新聞, 身為一個貓人, 當然要挺身而出, 來幫貓兒平反一下, 我想, 網路上那些新聞來源或許大家可能會持有疑慮, 就算是英文版的應該也是會有吧? 所以, 我找了一篇簡單又有公信力的文章給大家看, 這是來自於美國CDC (疾病控制與防治中心)的官方網站的文章, 這網頁是美國政府的網頁, 公信力應該是相當足夠了.
廢話不多說, 趕快來看看吧!
文章來源: http://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pregnant.htm
Pregnant women need to be aware thattoxoplasmosis (TOX-so-plaz-MO-sis) can cause problems with pregnancy, including abortion. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite is carried by cats and is passed in their feces (stool). However, people are more likely to get toxoplasmosis from eating undercooked meat or gardening than from contact with pet cats. By following simple safety tips, pregnant women can reduce the risk of getting toxoplasmosis from cats.
懷孕婦女需要注意弓漿蟲這個疾病, 因為這個疾病可能會讓懷孕婦女產生一些問題, 而這些問題包含了流產. 弓漿蟲病是由Toxoplasma gondii 這個寄生蟲所感染的. 這個寄生蟲會由貓咪所帶原並且由牠們的糞便排出. 然而, 事實上, 人類是比較有可能由於吃到沒煮熟的肉或是處理園藝之事而得到弓漿蟲這個疾病, 而由接觸貓咪所感染的機率其實不高.
- If you own a cat, have a non-pregnant person change the litter box every day. If there is no one else to change the litter box, wear gloves and wash hands with soap and running water after changing the litter.
- 如果你有養貓, 找一個沒有懷孕的人幫你每天清理貓砂, 如果沒有人可以幫你清理貓砂, 處理貓砂的時候請帶手套, 清理完貓砂請記得用肥皂跟流動的清水洗手.
- Risk may be reduced if the litter box is changed every day.
- 如果每天清貓砂就可以減少得到弓漿蟲的機會.
- Keep cats indoors.
- 讓貓一直住在室內, 不要到外面趴趴走~~
- Avoid adopting or handling stray cats.
- 懷孕期間不要認養流浪貓或是跟流浪貓有接觸
- Feed cats only canned or dried commercial cat food, never undercooked or raw meat.
- 請愛用罐頭或是乾料餵食你家的貓, 千萬千萬不要用沒煮熟或是生肉養貓. (這個我想到就氣...氣那些不會養貓的人亂教)
- Do not bring a new cat into your house that might have been an outdoor cat or might have been fed raw meat.
- 不要在懷孕時後開始養曾經在外面流浪或是食用生肉的新貓.
講完收工, 很久沒有寫中文文章了, 內容有不通順的地方, 還請見諒, 有翻錯的地方, 還請指教. 謝謝!