前言: 我不在意別人轉貼我的文章, 也不在意別人轉貼文章沒有註明是來自於我, 我在意的是轉貼文章的人, 亂修改我的文章內容, 然後還寫說是轉自於我...這個很難接受了, 我歡迎大家轉貼我的文章, 只要你們覺得翻得還ok, 轉貼正確的訊息給朋友看是好的, 就請不要亂修改內容就好! 拜託拜託!
ps. 剛剛看已經有人把弓漿蟲的傳染途徑講成是因為吃"生菜"感染了, 拜託, 文章內根本就沒有提到生菜啊!! 請問是哪個字眼讓這些人想到"生菜"這兩個字的, (如果有翻錯的地方還請指證), 我想接下來被就會被杜撰成吃貓屎會得弓漿蟲了. (好像也不完全錯的樣子XD)
英文原文來源: http://www.catchannel.com/news/2012/07/03/cats-and-toxo-facts-myths.aspx
(此篇文章是美國獸醫協會(American Veterinary Medical Association)所推薦的, 應該相當有公信力吧!)
Cats and Toxo: Good Kitty, Good Science, Bad Journalism
貓與弓漿蟲: 好貓好科學爛傳媒
Inaccurate reports about a study that links women who commit suicide to toxoplasmosis could harm cats, people and the women they intend to protect.
不準確的報導: 寫這篇文章的作者們試圖要保護這些受害婦女, 因為這篇研究將自殺婦女與弓漿蟲做了連結, 並指出這些婦女有可能會傷害貓咪, 人類以及自己.
Some toxoplasmosis stories skew people's images of cats and the people who own them. If Toxoplasma gondiiis linked to mental illness and suicide, then people need to know the facts about the infection. Using scare tactics in headlines and slanting the stories to gain the most internet traffic and highest rankings doesn't help and it can only hurt. The reporting about this study, 「Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Self-directed Violence in Mothers" published in Arch Gen Psychiatry, is an example of the bad journalism that is rampant on the internet this week as seen on CNN Health, NPR.org and TIME.
有些弓漿蟲的故事有誤導人們對於貓咪的印象以及誤導養貓人. 如果弓漿蟲跟精神疾病與自殺連上關係了, 那麼這邊有一些有關於"弓漿蟲感染的真實資訊"是人們真的去需要瞭解的. 用那些聳動的標題與誤導民眾的故事來拉抬網路流量或是提高網頁排名根本就對這件事情沒有幫助, 而只會造成傷害而已."弓漿蟲感染與懷孕婦女(母親)的暴力行為"這篇文章被發表在Arch Gen精神病學期刊中, 這就是爛期刊的一個很好的例子. 這個文章還被CNN, NPR(美國一個很大的廣播電台)還有時代雜誌(TIME)所大量報導出來.
The T. Gondii Study
First of all, the actual study does not suggest that cats cause women to commit suicide. Other studies have shown, quite the contrary, that cats and other pets are good for our self-esteem, lower our blood pressure, help us recover from heart attacks and might prevent them in the first place, and give people something to live for. People, including women and children, who might benefit from having a cat could be harmed from this bad journalism.
首先, 真正的研究並沒有指出貓會導致婦女自殺. 其他的研究甚至指出相反的理論, 養貓人士其實會因為養貓讓他們更有自信, 降低血壓, 也會幫助我們從心臟病疾病復原進而有可能防治心臟病發. 養貓也會讓某些人獲得生活的目標. 不管是小孩, 婦女或是其他的人們, 每個人都有可能從養貓得到幫助, 而不是看那些爛期刊.
The Toxo Truth
The truth about cats and toxoplasmosis is that felines do shed in their feces the T. gondii parasite's eggs, but only for a few days out of the cat's entire lifetime. So the chances of contracting the infection from cat feces are extremely slim. And, it takes at least 24 hours for the eggs to become infectious after the cat defecates, so if you clean your litterbox every day, you reduce even more your chances of contracting it from the cat's feces. To become infected from your kitty's litterbox, your hands would have to come into contact with the feces and then you would have to handle food without washing your hands. That sounds disgusting and anyone with common sense would wash their hands after scooping a litterbox, especially if they're going to handle food immediately afterward.
貓感染了弓漿蟲是真的會由牠們的糞便排放弓漿蟲的卵沒錯, 但是只有幾天會出現這樣的情況. (就是指, 貓感染弓漿蟲後, 貓他這輩子只有幾天會排弓漿蟲卵) 所以藉由接觸貓而得到弓漿蟲的機率是微乎其微. 而且, 蟲卵被排出貓體外之後, 要至少24個小時才會讓這些蟲卵有感染人們的能力, 所以, 如果你每天都清理貓砂, 你就更不可能得到弓漿蟲了. 你要從貓咪這個方面得到弓漿蟲, 你得要徒手去摸到糞便, 並且不洗手就拿東西去吃才有可能. 這聽起來十分噁心, 而且任何有常識的人都會知道清完貓砂盆是應該要洗手的, 更何況他們是清完貓砂盆就要吃東西的人.
Real Help to Fight Toxoplasmosis
The real damage these poorly reported stories do is they don't help pregnant women and immune-compromised people avoid T. gondii infection. You are much more likely to become infected with toxoplasmosis after handling raw meat or gardening with your hands in the dirt. Prevent infection by washing your hands with hot soapy water after handling raw meat, gardening or cleaning the litterbox, and sanitize all kitchen items that come into contact with raw meat during food preparation. It's really that simple.
這篇爛新聞報導故事並沒有教導那些懷孕婦女或是免疫抑制的人們如何對抗弓漿蟲感染. 事實上, 如果你徒手去處理生肉 或是處理園藝事務而手碰到泥土, 這些是真正會讓你有可能得到弓漿蟲的行為. 要避免感染弓漿蟲, 就是要處理完這些事情之後, 用肥皂洗手, 不管是處理生肉, 園藝, 或是清理貓砂. 並且把廚房有沾到生肉的物品都清理乾淨. 就這麼簡單!!
Please stop the misinformation and spread the facts about cats and toxoplasmosis.